Family, Fitness & Wellness Chiropractor

Month September 2017

Pregnancy Lifestyle Tips

It is the most wonderful and magical when having a little life growing inside your body. Therefore, it is very important to make sure you, moms-to-be, have the best lifestyle quality because it will impact on your pregnancy.  Here are… Continue Reading →

New study shows chiropractic care gets immediate results for neck pain!

BREAKING NEWS!! A recent study from 2016(1) supports the immediate effectiveness of cervical spine manipulation in treating people with neck, spine, and nerve related symptoms. Another study from 2013(2) reported up to 85% improvement over 3 months in neck disc… Continue Reading →

What to expect at your 1st Chiropractic visit.. Pre-visit game tips

OVERVIEW: Chiropractic is a health care profession based primarily upon the interactions of the spine and nervous system as well as the effects of musculoskeletal disorders on general health. Because all nerves exit as pairs at each of the levels… Continue Reading →

UK Study shows Spinal Manipulation Therapy and Exercise is better than Exercise alone for low back pain

Do you or someone you care about suffer from Low Back Pain? A recent study* of over 1300 people in the UK found that spinal manipulation was more effective in treating low back pain than exercise alone over 3 and… Continue Reading →

Dr Chestnut’s 10 Biological Laws Determining Healthy Habitat and Lifestyle Choices

I have found a few authors and chiropractors over the years who really understand function of the internal physiology and how health is built or destroyed.  After all isn’t creating health the goal of all medical pursuits? The following is… Continue Reading →

5 interesting ways to improve your posture

Unfortunately, abnormal posture has been associated with the development and progression of many spinal conditions and injuries including: increased muscle activity and disc injury, scoliosis, work lifting injuries, sports injuries, back pain, neck pain, headaches, carpal tunnel symptoms, shoulder and… Continue Reading →

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