Unfortunately, abnormal posture has been associated with the development and progression of many spinal conditions and injuries including: increased muscle activity and disc injury, scoliosis, work lifting injuries, sports injuries, back pain, neck pain, headaches, carpal tunnel symptoms, shoulder and ankle injuries as well as many other conditions.

Additionally, postural abnormalities in adolescent years have been recognized as one of the sources of pain syndromes and early arthritis in adulthood. Therefore, posture should be checked and corrected in children before more serious problems can occur.

Here are 5 ways to improve your posture and spinal health you might not have known about.

1. Chiropractic adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments stimulate the connections to the brain which helps the body decide when and where to move more effectively and which muscles to activate for posture.  Get advice from a qualified chiropractor about which type of adjustment is best for your spine and pelvis.

chiro adjust1

Chiropractic Adjustment

2. Denneroll Spinal Orthotics

These amazing foam orthotics are part of a three part process of changing the shape of the spine. This triad includes the chiropractic spinal adjustment, spinal orthotics, and strengthening exercise in order to create lasting change. These orthotics make improving your posture as easy as laying down for a few minutes a day. In order to find out which type of orthotic is best for you, speak with a chiropractor who knows about these postural supports.


Denneroll Neck Orthotic

3. Pro-lordotic Neck Exerciser

This is perfect for use after lying on your Denneroll orthotic because it stretches the neck and strengthens the postural ligaments and muscles into a biomechanically advantageous position.


Pro Lordotic Exerciser

4. Mid Back Postural Support

This is the perfect tool for those people who work long hours, long drives, sitting at a desk. You can slide it on and off over your shoulders as necessary throughout the day. Its main purpose is to remind you to maintain that good upright posture while out and about or at home relaxing.

posture medic

Posture Medic Thoracic Postural Support

5. Strengthening Spinal Stabilisers

Getting advice from your health professional about which muscles need to be stabilised and which need to be stretched is ideal. There is a growing body of research that shows that simply using your abdominal muscles on a regular basis to stabilise your movements will help to train your “deep core” and activates your spinal stabilising musculature.



Transverse Abdominis

As a Chiropractor, I often use several of these modalities combined in order to achieve lasting results with regard to correcting posture and back pain.  Please consider whether this advice is right for you and seek a qualified practitioner before engaging in any rehab based spinal care.

Have a great day!  Come see me at Health Space Kingsford by booking in Here.