Have you ever wondered why slouching makes you sore?  Or how come sitting in the car makes your bum ache?  Or how come when you feel stressed your body feels painful and sensitive?

It’s more apparent than ever that health can be improved by reducing stress.  How the body deals with stress is a physical process involving nerve response, hormones, and other forms of physical adaptation. The body is a self-healing organism and we know that the expression of health is effected by external environmental influences (physical, chemical, or emotional stressors). 

How we move, how we eat, how we think, and how we sleep all effects the spinal support framework.  A dysfunctional postural support network places stress on connective tissue and underlying organs which can affect their functioning.  Ever try to slouch and take a deep breath?

Often the subconscious spine and nerve systems are put under pressure by our conscious muscular and movement systems.  That is to say that the postural subconscious support framework is heavily influenced by what we do with our bodies in the conscious everyday movement arena. 

How can we improve our postural health?

Many people find relief and a path to improve their spinal health and wellbeing by visiting a chiropractor. Treatment with a chiropractor seeks to assist the body’s function by giving the spine and nerve system small ‘adjustments’ which in turn may help the spinal postural system and improve mobility as well as improve some aspects of brain function.

Whether you are looking to eliminate back pain or improve your posture, Chiropractic helps millions worldwide every day.  Healthy balanced diet, weekly exercise and regular adjustment check-ups are among the recommendations traditionally made by chiropractors.

I often give people exercises that are specific to them. In the beginning to give them some pain relief and help to balance out the body’s postural system, but as their symptoms start to decrease it is a good opportunity to get them to start stabilising the deeper spinal support muscle networks. One of the goals of adjusting the joints is to create ‘joint centration’ which means that the joint is able to move freely within the centre of its axis of movement fully supported by its deep stabilising muscles. The adjustment frees up the joint and then the exercise stabilises the movement patterns. There was a great study back in 2010 that shows how manipulation and exercise is more effective together for low back pain than either one on their own.

Even more recent research shows that regular maintenance visits to a chiropractor is actually beneficial compared to only seeing a chiropractor when you are in pain. Participants in the study who saw a chiropractor regularly for maintenance care had up to 2 weeks less per year of burdensome back pain and only with an average of 1.7 more visits per year. This is great news, I believe most people who have experienced chronic back pain want to feel better and be proactive with their health without having to have so many acute episodes and painkillers.

“It is far easier to preserve health than seek the cure for illness.”

BJ Palmer, early developer of Chiropractic

Please call (07) 3848 8526 to make an appointment.

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