Golf Specific Assessment & Swing Fitness

Dr Sam Fitzgibbons is Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) Certified

Want to play golf without pain, be able to hit the ball faster/farther or play the game longer? Then golf specific chiropractic is for you.

Dr Sam is a Titleist Performance Institute(TPI) certified chiropractor. TPI is the world’s leading training organization dedicated to the study of how the human body functions in relation to the golf swing. Their testing and fitness protocols are developed and tested through strategic partnerships with universities, major healthcare & hospital systems, leading fitness organizations, professional golf associations and national Olympic sport development programs over five continents.

Golfers will benefit most from healthy and efficient movement. The philosophy of golf swing fitness says there isn’t only one way to correctly swing a club, rather, there’s an infinite number of swing styles which vary based on what a player can physically do.

Because everyone has a different set of capabilities and limitations, there is a slight difference in how each player swings a club. The most efficient swing is not the same for every golfer, because efficiency is unique to each body’s fitness, mobility, skill, and stability.

As a chiropractor I look at the body’s mechanics, stability and mobility based on orthopedic, functional movement and neurological assessments.

To overcome limitations and achieve a more efficient swing, a golfer must be screened at regular intervals. That is where I come in, I offer a golf specific assessment and treatment which is geared at assisting golfers to improve their swing mechanics and overall mobility and stability specific to playing golf.

The golf specific assessment screen involves putting a player through a functional movement screen and an analysis of their swing pattern using video playback.

Once this screen is finished, the results are used to create a treatment/rehab plan unique for that golfer. The plan may include exercises, manual therapy, chiropractic treatment, rehab of swing mechanics or all of the above. The player is then reassessed at regular intervals to track their progress and troubleshoot any issues that might come up.

Helping players create a more effective swing to elevate their game is what we hope to achieve. Let me know if I can help!

How improving mobility can improve your golf swing

How improving stability can improve your golf swing

Book a TPI Golf Pro assessment

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